
芝加哥連續9年蟬聯全美鼠患最嚴重城市,近日有人拍下當地人行道上一個「老鼠形狀印記」,瞬間成為最新熱門地標,吸引許多民眾前來拍照打卡;有人搞笑在印記旁發上鮮花悼念,有人甚至稱這比該城外號「豆子」(the Bean)的不銹鋼製公共藝術「雲門」(Cloud Gate)還經典。


The lower half of a person with tan pants and red lace-up shoes is shown as they stand inches away from the hole. They hold a phone in a bird's-eye view position over the hole and lean down to photograph it. Next to it is a hot dog bun with sausages, tomatoes and a pickle.