防疫要訣 – 不要把病毒帶回家!清潔消毒回家12 步

加拿大中文電台】冠狀病毒疫情在全球持續擴散,到底現在是「漸入佳境」抑或「未到谷底」,可能言之尚早,但肯定的是,每人都應做好本份,保持個人衛生,留意自己跟其他人的距離,既不讓自己感染病毒,更不讓自己成為病毒的傳播者!最近網上瘋傳一個叫「回家 12 步」的 step by step ,教大家在疫情期間每天回到家時應該怎樣清潔和消毒,本台網頁特別以插畫方式深入淺出列出這 12 個步驟,快學懂這「回家 12 步」,再教授親人朋友,不要將病毒帶回家!

It is always important to keep ourselves and our environment clean, but it is even more critical now. Take care of your health and protect others from COVID-19 by following the 12 steps below.  They are the procedure of how to clean yourself and your personal belongings when you arrive home after spending time outside.