
講座及工作坊: 透過西洋畫探索歐洲藝術的演變 Talk & Workshop: Tracing the Evolution of European Art Through Western Paintings
透過認識著名的畫家及其畫作,對歐洲的藝術發展、及其盛載的思潮有所瞭解,作為讓其融入英國社會的另一渠道。By getting to know famous painters and their works, gaining an understanding of the development of European art and the ideas it embodies, this serves as another avenue for them to integrate into British society.

[Part 1 講座 Talk]

講座將介紹4個時期、約14至15位畫家,要介紹的畫家,畫作都取材自 National Gallery,讓聽眾之後自行前往欣賞更有一番體會 。The talk will introduce four periods in the history of Western painting and approximately 14 to 15 painters in each period. The paintings to be introduced are all from the National Gallery:
1. 文藝復興時期 Renaissance
2. 巴洛克時期 Baroque
3. 風俗畫 Genre painting
4. 現代畫發展暨印象派 及 立體派 Impressionism & Cubism
講者 Speaker: 陳樹英 Shu Chan
Former HK district councillor, studied art history, enthusiast of western painting

[Part 2 工作坊 Workshop]

書籤繪畫及製作, 送禮自用皆宜。Workshop will teach participants how to make bookmarks, which can be used personally or given as gifts to friends.
導師 Tutor: 高雪黎 Koko Ko
Current children and adult art instructor, practitioner and explorer of art
日期 Date:25 / 5 / 2024 (六 Sat)
時間 Time: (可選個別環節參加 Can choose to join individual part)
講座 Talk:2:00pm – 4:00pm, 全免 Free
工作坊 Workshop:4:00pm – 5:00pm, 費用如下 Please see the fee below
工作坊費用 Workshop Fee:
會員, 或55歲或以上 Member, or Aged 55 or above: £2
非會員 Non-members: £3
地點 Venue:ICA 地下大堂 ICA Lower Hall (21 Hatchard Road, London N19 4NG)
優先 Priority:ICA會員, 或55歲或以上 Member, or Aged 55 or above
名額 Quota:40人
語言 Language:廣東話為主, 輔以英語 Cantonese, supplemented by English
報名 Register:WhatsApp(07523 864993) 或填此 Google Form https://forms.gle/PvUBsY5c2zSj7sRSA
查詢 Enquiry:info@islingtonchinese.com
(成功報名人士,將會收到電郵 或 WhatsApp 確認 Successful registration will be confirmed by Email or WhatsApp)