


星期一 書法班 (11:30am-1:00pm)

寫書法也能養生!?  沒錯,寫書法好處多多,除了摒除雜念、平穩情緒之外,更是可以訓練全身穩定跟協調性的緩和運動、適合所有年齡的全方位保健方式。

星期二 太極健康班 (11:15am-12:15pm)



星期三 1) 活力健體操(11:15am-12:15pm)

活力健體操好處多多,不但可強身健體,擴展社交網絡,且對精神健康甚有裨益 – 增強記憶力、改善抑鬱、延緩腦退化。春天已到,快來鍛鍊健康身心,迎接和暖陽光!

星期三 2) 粵曲興趣班 (1:30-3:30pm)


以上星期一至三班組,報名請填寫Google Form https://forms.gle/wB2RqwhiubMn15q67 或 WhatsApp 07523 864993。

Join us for the diverse and enriching “Thriving Beats Surviving (TBS)” classes on Monday to Wednesday in May 2024:

Mondays: Chinese Calligraphy Class (11:30am-1:00pm)

Discover the health benefits of calligraphy! It calms emotions, improves coordination, and is suitable for all ages.

Tuesdays: Tai Chi for Health Class (11:15am-12:15pm)

Discover the power of Tai Chi’s core principles: coordination, inner strength, and energy. Unlock the art of letting go, finding relief from stress, improving flexibility, and boosting self-esteem.

Wednesdays: 1) Vitality Fitness Exercise (11:15am-12:15pm)

Vitality Fitness Exercise is great for your health in many ways! Not only does it make your body stronger and help you make new friends, but it is also really good for your mind.

Wednesdays:  2) Cantonese Opera Classes (1:30-3:30pm)

Join Ms. Fung Ying Man to learn famous songs and contribute to passing on Chinese culture to the next generation.

To register for the Monday to Wednesday classes, please fill in the Google Form https://forms.gle/wB2RqwhiubMn15q67 or contact us via WhatsApp at 07523 864993.