【學英文】依士靈頓華人協會:英語聊天聚會 & 生活英語進階班(2024年2月-3月)

By facilitating group discussion on different topics, the tutor will help you to improve your English listening and speaking skills, and boost your confidence in English!
導師Tutor:Jessica Siobhan(超過15年不同國家英語教學經驗,尤其擅長利用多元有趣的方式,幫助母語非英語學生建立運用英文的自信。
Over 15 years and teaching English to non-native speakers. Creative, energetic and professional teacher that helps students build confidence and progress)
日期Date:8/2, 22/8, 29/2, 7/3, 21/3, 28/3(四 Thur)
時間Time:11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
導師Tutor:Jessica Siobhan
地點Venue:依士靈頓華人協會多用途活動室 ICA Multifunctional Room
對象Target:ICA 會員及BNO Visa持有人 ICA Member and BNO Visa Holder, 參加過ICA英文班優先 Priority to who have attended previous English classes
費用 Fee:6堂共£6, £6 for 6 Sessions
語言 Language:英文 English
報名Register:WhatsApp(07523 864993) 或填 Google Form https://forms.gle/15hs3sDDv4o4apG76
地址Address:21 Hatchard Road, London N19 4NG
查詢 Enquiry:info@islingtonchinese.com
(成功報名人士,將會收到電郵 或 WhatsApp 確認 Successful registration will be confirmed by WhatsApp or Email)

Advanced English Class for Everyday Use 生活英語進階班

(2024年2月-3月 Feb-Mar 2024)

Experienced tutor Jessica Siobhan teaching slang, tone, accent and other knowledge in daily English in a relaxed and lively way. Helping participants to have more confidence in daily conversations and handle daily life in English.
日期 Date:7/2, 21/2, 28/2, 6/3, 20/3, 27/3(三 Wed)
時間Time:11:15 AM – 12:30 PM
導師Tutor:Jessica Siobhan
地點Venue:依士靈頓華人協會多用途活動室 ICA Multifunctional Room (N19 4NG)
對象Target:ICA 會員及BNO Visa持有人 ICA Member and BNO Visa Holder, 參加過ICA英文班優先 Priority to who have attended previous English classes
費用Fee:6堂共£6, £6 for 6 Sessions
授課語言Teaching Language:英語授課 English
報名Register:WhatsApp(07523 864993) 或填 Google Form https://forms.gle/6JaaLR3ZgMv7KVMk9
(成功報名者將收到本會電話或電郵通知 Successful applicants will be notified by email)