【Taste of Memory】倫敦大都會檔案館 「憶味」項目 招募義工——探索英籍華人廚師的集體回憶

The “Taste of Memory” project cordially invites you to be a part of our volunteer team. Looking forward to seeing you!
如有興趣成為我們的專案義工(訪談者、策展團隊等),請將您的履歷電子郵件至 volunteering@ming-ai.org.uk 申請。
If you are interested to join as our project volunteers (interviewers, exhibition curation team, etc.) please apply by sending us your CV via volunteering@ming-ai.org.uk
Project volunteers will have the opportunities in participating the project “food and memory” experiments during the training workshops. Three FREE skills training sessions will be provided:
🖍1) 繪製人生回憶(Mapping living memory):
10/1/2024,口述歷史訪談團隊(for those who are interested in oral history interview)
🎥2) 幕後花絮:影片與影像蒐集(Behind the scene: film and images collection):
28/2/2024,專案記錄片團隊(for those who are interested in producing project documentary)
🗝3) 解密在英華人社群(Unlock the hidden secrets of the British Chinese community):
10/4/2024,專案策展團隊(for those who are interested in project exhibition and curation)
Training venue: London Metropolitan Archives
🔹項目簡介 Introduction
「憶味」計畫將以口述歷史的方式去探索英籍華人廚師的集體回憶,審視他們是如何在面對不同挑戰的同時,逐漸調整自身的認同。 該計畫將在英國倫敦大都會檔案館舉辦以美食、移民和回憶為主題的活動,配合多感官體驗的沉浸式展覽與互動遊戲,圍繞「品嚐回憶」、「色彩回憶」和「回憶拼貼」 等三個範疇,讓大家對華人在英的餐飲業發展史有更全面的認識。
“Taste of Memory” project explores the collective memories of British-Chinese chefs by means of oral history, examining how they negotiate their identities and cope with challenges. The project will organise a one-day Food, Migration and Memory festival at London Metropolitan Archives, including an immersive multisensory exhibition with interactive games, “tasting memory”, “colouring memory” and “collage”.
The project runs from October 2023 to November 2024.
🙌“Taste of Memory” call for volunteers 「憶味」項目義工招募詳情:
📢“Taste of Memory” project submissions about “Collective Memory” 「憶味」項目公開徵集「集體回憶」作品:
🔍“Taste of Memory” Press Release 「憶味」項目新聞稿: