
講座: 認識英國傳媒 Talk: Understanding UK Media
在現今資訊爆炸的時代,每個人都容易在大眾媒體上成為KOL (意見領袖),如何分辨那些是事實,謊言,偏見?In today‘s era of information explosion, everyone can be a KOL (Key Opinion Leader) through mass media. How to distinguish among facts, lies, and prejudice?
今次講座由沈平博士為我們介紹英國大眾媒體,包括紙媒、電視、數位媒體、社群媒體的歷史與發展,現今英國主要媒體 BBC、Channel4、ITV等的背景、資金來源、運作方式、影響力,以及在資訊爆炸的時代如何保持批判性思維的方法。In this seminar, Dr. Ping Shum will introduce us to the history and development of mass media in the UK, including newspaper, television, digital, and social media. He will also discuss the background, funding sources, operational methods, and impact of the current media in the UK such as BBC, Channel4, ITV, as well as methods for maintaining critical thinking in the age of information explosion.
講者 Speaker:沈平博士 Dr. Ping Shum
Senior Lecturer at University of Roehampton
MA Journalism Programme Leader
MA Media and Communications Programme Leader
BBC Journalist & Producer
RTHK “City Snapshot” Host From the UK
主持人 Moderator:張楚勇博士 Dr. Chor Yung Cheung
日期 Date:23/3/2024 (六 Sat)
時間 Time:2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
地點 Venue:依士靈頓華人中心低層大堂 ICA Lower Hall (21 Hatchard Road, London N19 4NG)
優先 Priority:BNO Visa持有人及ICA會員 BNO visa holder and ICA members
名額 Quota:50人
費用 Fee:費用全免 Free
語言 Language:廣東話為主, 輔以英語 Cantonese, supplemented by English
報名 Register:WhatsApp 07523 864993 或填此 Google Form https://forms.gle/mGM2hq3X42h76tyD7
地址 Address:21 Hatchard Road, London N19 4NG
查詢 Enquiry:info@islingtonchinese.com
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