英男修建鐵道「返家不用爬坡」 花18年完工讓房子增值萬鎊

根據英國「太陽報」報導,工程師名叫艾倫(Allan Pyne),他與50歲的妻子一起住在道利什(Dawlish)一處山坡上50英尺高(約15公尺)的別墅,而艾倫為了讓自己和妻子年老後不必在爬坡返家,於是決定修建一條返家的鐵路通道,在歷經18年的努力、花費了1.5萬英鎊後,終於完成了這條返家鐵路。


 The railway ace, 55, has spent 18 years and £15,000 on the mammoth project

 Allan Pyne put the finishing touches to his track during lockdown, 18 years after he began the project

 Estate agents say Allan could have added up to £30,000 to the home’s value by building the track

 A railway engineer built a 109ft railway track alongside his steep home so he and his wife won’t have to climb steps when older