ICA 好SING好氣歌唱比賽仲有1日就截止報名啦

ICA 好SING好氣歌唱比賽仲有4日就截止報名啦。今次歌唱比賽的得獎者可以獲得現金獎 – 冠軍 (£250)、 亞軍 (£150) 、季軍 (£100)、 獎杯及奬狀。未報名的朋友記得係8月11日前遞交表格及 Demo。是次比賽歡迎任何人參加, 報名可親臨協會或WhatsApp (07724 828778) 或填寫 Google Form https://forms.gle/kDNDwUFyUih1ZSZDA. 比賽當日觀眾可免費入場觀賞, 並設有獎遊戲, 表演及茶點招待!

另外,入圍比賽參加者(除得獎者)可於11月30日前在ICA同日可免費享用一條龍服務 (午飯,打乒乓 及唱Karaoke)!

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Deadline of joining The Voice ICA Singing Competition will be on this Friday 11 August. Winner of the competition will receive Cash Prize, Champion (£250), 1st runner-up (£150) , 2nd runner up (£100), a Trophy and Certificate. Register if you have not done so before 11 August 2023. This singing competition is open to everyone, you can register at the Centre/ WhatsApp (07724 828778) or fill in the Google Form https://forms.gle/kDNDwUFyUih1ZSZDA. Free Admission for audience on the competition day. We will also arrange Games, Performance and Refreshment will be arranged.
Also, shortlisted applicants except 3 winners can get Free Lunch, Ping Pong and Karaoke at one time (on the same day) by 30 Nov 2023!