Last Call: Join Our “Recycle Everyday” Workshop!
Don’t miss this chance to learn practical ways to recycle smarter and reduce waste.
Special Offer: The first 10 attendees will receive *a FREE tube* of Vitamin C (20 effervescent tablets!) to keep you energized and healthy this winter. Reserve your spot with us now!
特別優惠:前 10 名出席者將獲得一盒免費的維生素 C。共有20 片泡騰片在這個冬天為您的健康助力!
When時間: 10:30-12:00,14/01/2025 (週二)
Where地點: London Chinese Community Centre, 2 Leicester Court, London, WC2H 7DW
Book with us now 致電預約: 02074393822
Let’s take simple steps towards a greener future!