【免費講座】依士靈頓華人協會:房地產轉讓過程及如何避免常見陷阱 ?(7月2日)

講座: 房地產轉讓過程及如何避免常見陷阱 Talk: Property conveyancing process and how to avoid common pitfalls
關於英國樓宇買賣,Youtuber所講的哪些真哪些假? Regarding buying and selling property in the UK, what are the truths and falsehoods presented by YouTubers?
今次講座將為你講解 This seminar will explain to you:
– 永久業權與租賃權及共有永久業權的區別 Freehold vs Leasehold vs Share of Freehold
* 房地產轉讓過程 Property Conveyancing Process
* 如何通過反洗錢檢查 How to pass AML checks
* 常見陷阱 Common pitfalls
講者 Speakers
Joanne Chung, Ezran Law
顧問律師 Consultant Solicitor
日期 Date:2 / 7 / 2024 (二 Tue)
時間 Time:2:00pm – 3:30pm
費用 Fee:全免 Free
地點 Venue:ICA 地下大堂 ICA Lower Hall (21 Hatchard Road, London N19 4NG)
優先 Priority:ICA會員, 或55歲或以上 Member, or Aged 55 or above
名額 Quota:40人
語言 Language:廣東話為主, 輔以英語 Cantonese, supplemented by English
報名 Register:WhatsApp(07523 864993) 或填此 Google Form https://forms.gle/HCu1fdqLmMJVAUo67
查詢 Enquiry:info@islingtonchinese.com
(成功報名人士,將會收到電郵 或 WhatsApp 確認 Successful registration will be confirmed by Email or WhatsApp)