
編織興趣小組 Knitting Club(2024年6月 – 7月 Jun – Jul 2024)
歡迎加入我們的編織小組,無論您是新手還是高手,都歡迎您來一起編織、聊天、交朋友,分享和學習新的技巧!我們的編織組長 Carol Sun 將教授編織技巧給初學者, 幫助組員完成簡單的作品,讓您輕鬆入門編織的美妙世界。
Join our knitting club where all skill levels are welcome! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just picking up the needles, come knit, chat, and make friends while sharing and learning new skills together. Our knitting group leader, Carol Sun, will teach knitting skills to beginners and assist members in completing simple projects.
參加者請自備材料及工具。Participants please bring your own tools and materials.
*中心有少量工具和材料可供聚會上借用,數量有限,先到先得。Limited tools and materials are available to be used during the session, provided on a first-come, first-served basis.
日期 Date:4/6, 11/6, 18/6, 9/7, 16/7, 23/7, 30/7 (二 Tue) *25/6, 2/7 除外 Except 25/6, 2/7
時間 Time:1:30 PM – 3:30 PM
編織組長 Group Leader:Carol Sun
地點 Venue:ICA 地下大堂 ICA Lower Hall (21 Hatchard Road, London N19 4NG)
對象 Target:ICA會員, 或55歲或以上 Member, or Aged 55 or above
名額 Quota:15人
費用 Fee:
按月繳費 Pay monthly (每次 Each session): 會員 Members £2; 非會員 Non-members £3;
* 按月繳費須一次過繳交最少三次聚會費用,請注意已付款而缺席者將不得退款或安排補堂。Monthly payment requires at least three sessions to be paid in one go. Please note that no refunds or rescheduling of classes for absentees who have already paid.
遂次繳費 Pay individual session: £3
語言 Language:廣東話為主, 輔以英語 Cantonese, supplemented by English
報名 Register:WhatsApp(07523 864993) 或填此 Google Form https://forms.gle/v5a6QKDkm76dRPmH8
查詢 Enquiry:info@islingtonchinese.com
(成功報名人士,將會收到電郵 或 WhatsApp 確認 Successful registration will be confirmed by Email or WhatsApp)