【慶龍年】依士靈頓華人協會:「龍騰舞動 」 賀新春(2月17日)

「龍騰舞動 」 賀新春將於2 月17日 (星期六)在依士靈頓華人協會舉行 (11:30am – 4:00pm)。
節目豐富, 有舞獅, 歌唱表演, 健康龍+大頭佛, 粵曲及財神; 港式美食如雞蛋仔, 豬皮蘿蔔魚蛋,釀青椒等. 還有互動攤位包括書法及兒童創意藝術工作坊,其他節目會陸續為大家介紹,請密切注意我們的更新。 免費入場, 歡迎先網上登記入場 。

“Soaring Dragon” Lunar New Year Celebrations will be held on 17 February (Sat) at the Islington Chinese Association (ICA) from 11:30am – 4:00pm. We have an array of typically Hong Kong Street Food for purchase, performances & interactive booths (Free entry)!
We have interactive booths such as Calligraphy and Little Art Explorer. More interactive games and programmes will be announced. Stay tuned on our updates. And also, welcome to reserve a ticket from below link in advance.